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The Ghost Of Me

Name: Geoffrey
AKA: geO
Experimented for: [Four]tEEn YEarS
UNleashed 0n: 7:00pm, 26-June-1992
Send hate mail to:


adopt your own virtual pet!

To The End

MCR again
Famous Last Words

I'm Not Okay... trust me

People who call MCR "emo"
The general concept of "emo"ism
"The People"
The overuse of """"

You Know What They To Guys Like Them In Prison

My YouTube
My LiveJournal
Madam; Lin*Lin
Princess; Squishy
Princess; Squishy the 2nd
The Blood-stained Maid; Danli the 1st
The Blood-stained Maid; Danli the 2nd
The "dead" Half-Bro; JuJu
The "resurrected but dead now" Half-Bro; JuJu
The "recently resurrected" Half-Bro/Gheysha; JuJu
Haunting Spirit; Sunni the 1st
Haunting Spirit; Sunni the 2nd
Haunting Spirit; Sunni the 3rd
The Dungeon Tiger; Kirsten
Crazy Bitch; Sylvia
Chocolate Pearl EasyWay; ChingChing
V I K K I; Vicki
Aloe~; Alison
REX STATUS: Toterella ; Vicki
Creature of the Night; Rhian
Insane Insomniac; Taylor
Janitor; Anieka
The Sperm Donar; Rez
Chinaman/Step-Mummy; Marcus
Sunii's bloggii
Sunii's bloggii


July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007

Hang 'Em High

I am dead.
I am dead

Thank You For The Venom

the official mcr
Support World AIDS Day
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

haha just got back from Hornsby =]
Spent $50 at Timezone but should've seen a movie... Hoodwinked lol

deaded at 4:34 pm

On the brighter side I'm going to Hornsby in 4 hours.
Last night weird dream... I was attacked by the Colombian and Italian mafia...I think there was also a Mexican one....

Sex to my ears = Queens of the Stoneage - Damned for All Time

deaded at 10:10 am

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

No punishment from parents!!

Music in mah ears; Epic - Faith No More

deaded at 10:41 am

Monday, August 28, 2006

Suspended for biting Bradley Collins in the neck...
At least I get two days off school but parents gotta talk to Warren...
The whole system is fucked

deaded at 5:07 pm

Monday, August 21, 2006

Haven't blogged in longtime... So goddam bored... No one is goddam online... WHY WON'T YOU PEOPLE FUCKEN WAKE UP?! *glare*

deaded at 6:59 am

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Want to be Emo?

It's easy! just follow these step by step and you'll be labeleled as an Emo by everyone.

• Buy a skateboard and ride it a lot. Also, try and use your calves as little as possible. This will help them become spindly and aid in the fitting of super tight jeans and/or cords.

• Speaking of which, buy a pair. You need to be able to just fit in them. Yes, suck it in, that's right.

• Go and buy yourself an Aston guitar starter pack and learn three or four power chords. Remember, you're not trying to get good, just to be able to play something to whine to.

• Grow your hair so that it makes a straight, long fringe over your face, covering one eye and some of your nose. If you don't have straight hair, get youself a cheap straightened from Target. Buy sine black hair dye and hair gel as well (unless you're of Asian decent, in which case your hair is probably already black)

• Buy lots of t-shirts, all tight, darker shades with stupid designs on them, like concentric circles or tears or some guy looking up into the sky somewhere.

• Mascara. No such thing as too much. Lather it on. (Cool variation; use non water proof mascara and poke yourself in the eyes until you cry-this creates a nice tear effect.)

• Scars! Cut, cut, cut! No one looks Emo without some battle wounds. Cut wrists, slash arms, all good. Cover them up with black, spiked arm bands and look even more Emo! Also good is emotional heartbreak, get a girl, fall in love, do something stupid so that she breaks up with you and then keep convincing yourself that she was the greatest thing that ever happened to you so that you cry a lot. (Time to get the ol'Ashton out and write a song.)

• Tat's are good, down your arm, lot's of purdy colours, like the guy from Good Charlotte.

• Most importantly, accesorise! Buy and iPod, fill it with Emo music (Funeral For A Friend, My Chemical Romance, Something Corporate, etc.) stick in the headfones and never take them out! Ever! Play it so loud that everyone can hear the drums and always ignore what people say until the third time when you yell at them!

• Also, studded belt, spike wristbands and Converse-All-Stars!

• And falafel. Lots of it. Yum.

deaded at 5:29 pm

Emo: A History

The story of Emo is one plagued with misunderstanding and controversy. Going from a genre of Washington rock in the 1980's to a derogatory insult and infamous social class, Emo has a thick, cultured background.

The term Emo, (derived from "Emotional"), has two main meanings. The first of these is a term to describe several musical genres, varying over time. The second, and more recent, adaptation of the word represents a social class renowned for their semi-gothic persona and is ofter used as an insult.

The term, "Emo", was first used as a the term for a category of hardcore punk rock in Washington DC in the 1980's. The term "emocore" was also used to describe "emotional hardcore" music. The term is thought to have derived from the fact that many of the assiciated bands, such as Embrace, One Last Wish and Beefeater, got spontaneously emotional on stage. The original meaning of Emo, however, died out after the break up of many of the assiciated bands in the 1990's.

Through the 1990's, Emo began to represent much of the Indie music scene with bands like Sunny Day Real Estate and Texas Is The Reason, who turned the genre more melodic and less chaotic. This led to a softening of Emo into a soft-punk-rock sub genre. Slowly creeping into the mainstream, Emo had, by the end of the 1990's, left its hardcore roots behind, to take on a more "emo"tional character.

A milestone and turning point for Emo was the classification of Dashboard Confessional as Emo. Carrabba's music featured lyrics founded in deep and personal outpouring of emotion. Where ealier Emo had featured lyrics of more dark and painful direction, Carrabba's featured a greater focus on love won and lost and the inability to cope. This led to a surge of popularity of Emo throughout the teenage market, many who, experiencing love and heartbreak for the first time, related to such themes.

This led to the socially accepted Emo, the heartbroken teenager who whines about how his life sucks. The term itself has developed very negative connotations and is ofter used as an insult. This led to the fashion that these types of people favored (being a combination of super tight black pants, straight-usually black-hair covering three fifths of the face, studded belts, and other, semi-gothic items) to be branded "Emo" as well. This led to the categorisation of bands who adopted this dress code into the Emo category, irrelevent of their style of music. An example of this pop-punk band Green Day who, while viewed by many Emo, doesn't actually fall into the increasingly broad genre.

deaded at 5:06 pm