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The Ghost Of Me

Name: Geoffrey
AKA: geO
Experimented for: [Four]tEEn YEarS
UNleashed 0n: 7:00pm, 26-June-1992
Send hate mail to:


adopt your own virtual pet!

To The End

MCR again
Famous Last Words

I'm Not Okay... trust me

People who call MCR "emo"
The general concept of "emo"ism
"The People"
The overuse of """"

You Know What They To Guys Like Them In Prison

My YouTube
My LiveJournal
Madam; Lin*Lin
Princess; Squishy
Princess; Squishy the 2nd
The Blood-stained Maid; Danli the 1st
The Blood-stained Maid; Danli the 2nd
The "dead" Half-Bro; JuJu
The "resurrected but dead now" Half-Bro; JuJu
The "recently resurrected" Half-Bro/Gheysha; JuJu
Haunting Spirit; Sunni the 1st
Haunting Spirit; Sunni the 2nd
Haunting Spirit; Sunni the 3rd
The Dungeon Tiger; Kirsten
Crazy Bitch; Sylvia
Chocolate Pearl EasyWay; ChingChing
V I K K I; Vicki
Aloe~; Alison
REX STATUS: Toterella ; Vicki
Creature of the Night; Rhian
Insane Insomniac; Taylor
Janitor; Anieka
The Sperm Donar; Rez
Chinaman/Step-Mummy; Marcus
Sunii's bloggii
Sunii's bloggii


July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007

Hang 'Em High

I am dead.
I am dead

Thank You For The Venom

the official mcr
Support World AIDS Day
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Finally finished Initial D...

Tak and K.T were easier then I thought.... oh well... Bunta was pretty hard...

so many "..."...

deaded at 6:58 pm

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Chatswood today with Danli, Sunny, Leng and Rez (the lez).

I got at Mandarin Centre at 9am ==" and stayed there playing Initial D for a while (as usual).

Then walked off and met up with Danli, Sunny, Leng and Rez (the lez [wahahaha]).

Played more Timezone (bought Jap lemonade which for some reason blew up).

Leng went to Supre and spent 30 minutes trying on ONE FUCKING PIECE OF CLOTHING!!

Bought cookies after. Then had lunch someplace (can't remember no more).

Then me and Sunny left and waved to Danli and Leng for 10 minutes straight. Rez got rejected xP

At Maq there were these Russian Initial D guys and challenged a top player. Got his ass kicked.

All that = highlights of my day

Now Danli and Leng gone for a month =[

And yes i had coke today. coke for the first time in 16 weeks, 3 days, 18 hours and 23 minutes.

deaded at 7:48 pm

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Yawn... no post in so long...


Today went to Hornsby with sarah, sarah, sylvia, jess, tara and me. I blew $150 at timezone =].

I am now officially good at Initial D with my pro Skyline. wahahaha xDDDD

deaded at 10:38 pm

Sunday, December 10, 2006

i got a haircut =[

4/5 of my hair is gone =[

kill me =]

deaded at 12:25 pm

Monday, December 04, 2006

No post in long time...

Nothing exciting has happened...

Oooo~ on sat at maq i randomly met rezza and her 'family' xD they so random. i just scabbed money of them to play initial d.

And for no reason i got The Used - The Used cd...

hmmmm thats pretty much it...

Oh yes and only54 more days til MCR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

deaded at 6:14 pm